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Sunrise in Fintele, Belgium

Invest in yourself

LifeCoaching is a personal commitment (you have to really want to achieve your goals, dreams or desires), a time commitment and a financial commitment. You are investing in yourself and in your future. One-to-One sessions cost £85 p/hour in person or £75 p/hour online. Group sessions cost £40 p/person.


That's why I suggest we have a free, 30 minute chat/introductory session before we start. It gives you the chance to meet me, ask me questions, share any concerns you have and discuss what you'd like to achieve through coaching. And it gives me the chance to explain how we'll work together.


If after the introductory session you find the idea of moving forwards in your life exciting and believe I'm the LifeCoach for you, there are just three decisions you need to make: would you like one-to-one or group coaching, in person or online and for how long?

Six sessions are recommended to start with.  All payments are in advance, either upfront or in instalments.

Best Offer: sign up for 10 sessions and receive two for free.  You'll be amazed at what you can achieve in 12 sessions (approximately 3 months).

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